Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hotel Rwanda Text

I chose the word hope because the Paul brought hope to so many people.  I chose a scene from
the movie for the background of the words and then changed the background dark purple.

Cumulative Project

For my poster add, I made the background purple and put my name, "job", and my "address". I used santa
barbara since i'm going to school there. Then i add my favorite pictures that i've done all year. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

6 People Who Have Made A Difference

I chose to use six people who have made a difference in the world.
The people I chose were Martin Luther King Jr, Ghandi, Paul Rusesbagnina,Mother Teresa,
Nelson Mandela, and Abraham Lincoln. I picked these people because each of them has
made a huge impact on the world and helped shaped how our society is today. I found pictures of
each of them, edited them, and then added their names and quotes from them to the pictures.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hotel Rwanda Movie Poster

My Hotel Rwanda poster is made up of two scenes from the movie. I put a black and red
background on it and then added pictures that I thought represented the movie well. I then put a
review quote of the movie at the bottom.