Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

negative space and text #2

I chose to do a soccer project because soccer is basically my life and i love it.  I started with a picture of a soccer player and used the lasso tool to cut her out. Then i went to wordle and typed in a lot of soccer vocabulary like yellow card, ref, midfield, corner, etc. Then i took a screenshot of it and put that behind the picture. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

florence + the machine project

I made this project by selecting and deleting the girl out of the picture. Then i went to wordle and typed in some of her lyrics and placed it behind the first layer. I chose to do Florence + the Machine because it's my favorite band. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

15 green things

I made this project by just duplicating some of the layers and hiding other ones and placed them in different positions.  I made the grass layer the background and made it purple. I also changed part of the arch layer pink.