Thursday, December 15, 2011

VIsual Pun #2-Deviled Egg

I chose all different images and used magic wand to get rid of their white backgrounds. Then i moved and resized them  and put them on the egg. Then i added the fire background. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Visual Pun #1-Flower bulb

I chose to make a flower bulb. I chose a tulip and found a picture of a lightbulb.  I used the magic wand tool to make the lightbulb disappear and then i painted over the rest of it. I then used the posterize technique when i was finished. I really , really like the end result. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

I used to edit this photo. I took a picture of the cast from my favorite show skins. The website wasn't that great, it had a lot of edits,  but they were all boring.

I used to edit this picture. It was an ok photo editing site. it was good because there were lots of interesting ways your could edit your picture. It was bad because you could only use one effect per picture, not multiple ones. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

negative space and text #2

I chose to do a soccer project because soccer is basically my life and i love it.  I started with a picture of a soccer player and used the lasso tool to cut her out. Then i went to wordle and typed in a lot of soccer vocabulary like yellow card, ref, midfield, corner, etc. Then i took a screenshot of it and put that behind the picture. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

florence + the machine project

I made this project by selecting and deleting the girl out of the picture. Then i went to wordle and typed in some of her lyrics and placed it behind the first layer. I chose to do Florence + the Machine because it's my favorite band. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

15 green things

I made this project by just duplicating some of the layers and hiding other ones and placed them in different positions.  I made the grass layer the background and made it purple. I also changed part of the arch layer pink. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

crazy combo

I made the crazy combo picture by adding and erasing animal parts and putting them together. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

music note project

I made the music note project by changing the colors of all the layers and moved them around.